Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek AAUW

About Beads2Jewelry

Our Beads2Jewelry, a Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek AAUW section, meet once a month.

This section is a hands-on project based gathering where we teach each other and also plan to take field trips.
Click here to see instructions on how to have a successful bead party.

Minutes 9: August 9 Project 9: Ring Sample
Minutes 8: July 7 Project 8: Working with home made glass by Marjorie by Holly
Minutes 7: June 16 Project 7: Ear Rings by Gail by Roseann
Minutes 6: April 14 Project6 Chain and chunks necklace

by Margie by Arlene by Roseann

Minues 5: March 3

Project5 Wire Wrap a Cabochon Guest Sheila Truschke - thanks
Minutes 4: February 3 Project4 Wire Wrap a Cabochon Dot's wire wrap Wire Wrap pendant made by Dot Healy

Minutes 3: January 5, Project3 Double Ladder Stitch Bracelet, Gail's Bracelet
Minutes 2: Nov 10 Project2 Sliding knot necklaces & pendant
Minutes 1: Nov 5 Project1 Wire Wrap a Cabochon, Sample Wire Wrap


Webmaster: Roseann Krane -
Copyright 2005 Danville-Alamo American Association of University Women