Public Policy
Basic to all of public policy efforts of AAUW is the understanding that true equity requires a balance between the rights of the individual and the needs of the community. We believe in the separation of church and state.
AAUW supports constitutional protection for the civil rights of all individuals, including the right to privacy. We oppose all forms of discrimination. We support affirmative action as a remedy for past discrimination. We affirm our commitment to passage and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.
AAUW believes that quality public education is the foundation of a democratic society. We advocate equity, academic freedom, protection from censorship, bias-free education, and responsible funding for all levels of education. We advocate increased access to higher education, especially for women in poverty.
AAUW promotes the economic, social, and physical well-being of all persons. Essential to that well-being are an economy that provides equitable employment opportunities, reduction of poverty, quality dependent care, decent housing, and quality affordable health care; freedom from violence; and a clean and healthful environment. We support public budgets that balance individual rights and responsibility to community.
AAUW values and is committed to the arts and humanities, which develop and enhance our pluralistic cultural heritage.
AAUW believes that global interdependence requires national and international policies that promote peace, justice, human rights, sustainable development, and mutual security for all people. We support a strengthened United Nations and its affiliated agencies. We advocate implementation of the Platform for Action from the 4th World Conference on Women.
Biennial priorities for federal action are chosen according to the criteria of viability, critical need, strong member support, and potential for distinctive AAUW contribution.
To support a strong system of public education that promotes gender fairness, equity, and diversity, AAUW advocates
Adequate and equitable funding for quality public education for all students
Opposition to the use of public funds for nonpublic elementary and secondary education
Vigorous enforcement of Title IX
Programs that meet the needs of girls in elementary and secondary education
To achieve economic self-sufficiency for all women, AAUW advocates
Fairness in compensation
Equitable access and advancement in employment
Vigorous enforcement of employment anti-discrimination statutes
Access to quality, affordable dependent care
Programs that provide women with education, training, and support for success in the work force
Welfare reforms and other programs that improve postsecondary education access, career development, and earning potential
Social Security and Medicare reform that guarantees improved retirement security for women and all low-wage workers
To guarantee equality, individual rights, and social justice for a diverse society, AAUW advocates
Vigorous defense and expansion of civil and constitutional rights
Choice in the determination of ones reproductive life
Freedom from violence and fear of violence in homes, schools, workplaces, and communities
Expansion of health rights for women, families, and children
Support for U.N. programs that address human rights and womens and girls concerns