TECH TREK 2012 ............ Read more about California TechTrek
Local students from Charlotte Wood, Diablo Vista and Los Cerros Middle
School in Danville, Stone Valley Middle School in Alamo and Walnut Creek
Intermediate and Foothill Middle School in Walnut Creek are selected
each year to get a preview of college life while learning that math and
science can be fun. They will attend Tech Trek Science Camp for Girls,
a summer program for girls entering 8th grade, sponsored by the American
Association of University Women of California (AAUW-CA). The 2011 Tech
Trek Campers are pictured to the right.
The students will live on the campus of Sonoma State University for a
week in the summer. They will attend classes taught by credentialed
teachers featuring hands-on experiments. Women who are professionals in
the fields of math, science and technology will be guest presenters.
AAUW volunteers serve as camp directors, health aides and chaperones.
The girls were chosen from nominations made by 7th grade math and
science teachers at Middle Schools in Danville, Alamo and Walnut Creek.
California AAUW provides the application forms and guidelines for
selecting the girls. A committee of Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek AAUW
members makes the final selections. Individual donations and proceeds
from the annual Holiday Home Tour help support the enrollment of
campers. We are proud to be sending campers to Tech Trek this year.
The first Tech Trek was held at Stanford University in 1998, with
initial funding from the AAUW Educational Foundation. This year, there
will be ten camps, at CSU-Fresno, Sonoma State University, UC-Davis,
Stanford University (2 weeks), UC-Irvine, UC-San Diego, UC-Santa Barbara
(two weeks) and Whittier College. Tech Trek is continuing proof that
AAUW puts its mission . to support equity and education for all women
and girls into action.